Sunday, March 11, 2012

Simple Pleasures

It was a family-oriented day today. It reminded me that I always have the most fun with my family. I have amazing friends, and i love to hang out with them but I'm guaranteed a good time when i'm out with my family.

Honestly, who else really knows us if not our family? My family has been there for me through all my ups and downs. They've pampered and disciplined me. They've held my hand through all my tears and made me laugh so hard that i cried (or in my case, developed a coughing fit). The crazy things that I can do around my family and the jokes that we share, are unique. Blood truly is thicker than water.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I just realised that Katy Perry's "if you can afford me" is a modern day version of "Material Girl" by Madonna.

New Hope

Election results are out! And My tiny state is beside itself with joy. Before elections, everyone around me was talking about how voting would have no meaning as all the candidates were equally bad. Now, with the results, i see hopeful faces.

It wills me with so much happiness to see the signs of hope, everywhere around me. People are spreading the word that this new government will be better. I am amazed at how optimistic people can be, even in the light of past failures.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Going loco

Finally! Its the end of exams. And WOW! This week was really eventful. There was drama, seriousness, a bit of fun and some loneliness. Let's get down to it eh?

This week's drama was, actually, of my own personal making. My numero uno fear has always been, being alone. I cant explain the reason for it, i dont really know it myself. All i know is, I have this innate need to be with friends and family constantly. I'm not a fan of too much alone time. Maybe that's because I know I can drive myself crazy over thinking about things..
Anyway, coming back to the drama. My friends have lives of their own, yes? Turns out I had a bit of trouble dealing with that fact. They had lives and I was feeling left out. And being who i am, i lashed out, at them. Now, this wasnt right of me and everything got sorted in the end but it got me thinking. I've realised one thing about myself, i do NOT adapt to unexpected changes as well as i thought. So i let loose my psychotic side. I am definitely not doing that again.

I guess everyone goes loco at certain times in their lives. And this unleashes a torrent of more crazy. Well, that's what happened to me anyway. i let my loco side get out and WOO! What a hurricane i unleashed. I guess it all did happen for the best, just like everything does. But it still amazes me how small hills can become volcanoes.