Friday, April 19, 2013

Virtual Reality

    "Video games are for lonely people"
    I discuss a lot of things with a lot of people but this topic always gets me fired up. I disagree with the above statement to the nth degree.

    A person that agrees with such a stereotypical and cynical statement is credulous and has clearly never played a video game or is blatantly envious of expert video gamers. No one ever says "Books are for lonely people". If you say you're an avid reader, people assume that you are cultured and intelligent. Video games also tell stories but they do it by interacting with the player.

    Isn't that a wonderful way to tell a story? When I was a young child, I used to adore interactive books. One of my favourite children's books was one that had a latex dragon puppet that could be manipulated by the reader. Video games tell you a story by letting you BE the protagonist. You not only read about their experiences but you can hear and see it. You can virtually walk in their shoes.

    There's also a large misconception that video games are unhealthy. This is the 21st century. How can this be believed? It has been proven scientifically that video games can improve:

  1.  motor skills, particularly hand-to-eye co-ordination.
  2.  vision. First person shooter games like Call of Duty can improve vision in cataract patients.
  3.  decision making skills. Most games require quick reactions and decisions.
  4. Your happiness. They provide an outlet to vent your frustration and hence reduce stress and depression.

  5. Video games are a hobby or passion just like reading, writing, or sketching. It's escaping into a different reality which is what most artists do. Gaming should be considered another form of self expression? You can tell a beautiful story by creating a simple pixel RPG. People can live your story, virtually. 

    Video games also host a large forum for people to meet and interact. I know couples who have met through virtual reality and are in happy relationships. Virtual chat instigates friendships and enemies just like the real world. Gamers arent always introverts (though I am one) but wouldn't you like to be friends with someone who shares your interests? Gamers find other gamers. We're a large community and we're not lonely.


  1. Sasha-Fierce,
    It should read loVely people. N instead of V = ENVY! Most of my a-ha moments come while playing video games (non-PS3). :D

  2. Haha. I agree! Gamers have higher cognitive reasoning skills than Non-gamers. :)
