She has effeminate super powers. She likes to take pleasure in simple, everyday things like cooking, gardening, decorating et al. Beauty entices her. She is usually the right hand of the strong and powerful Alpha female, usually offering felicitous advice. She looks for loyal, long term relationships with her friends. She’s communicative and a good listener. She is the epitome of all that is feminine. She is Beta-Girl!
A friend described me as a Beta female. Naturally, I did a little research on gender roles and Alpha, Beta, Omega men and women. I was so surprised to notice that I fit the role of a beta female so perfectly.
The description I've given describes me perfectly. I’ve always been a very feminine person (unless we’re talking about video games). I worry about etiquette and poise I love to meddle in the kitchen and the garden. Literature, art, nature and fashion are the four elements that curl around my soul and show me the world’s beauty. I seek loyalty among my friends and I loathe betrayal. That is who I am and I’m not afraid to be me.
One of the articles I read also put up a list of movies that beta females would enjoy. One of them was Bridget Jones’ diary, which incidentally is a book and a movie that makes me squeal with laughter, every time. I’m very fond of that book and its sequel as I connect with Bridget on many levels. If she is a beta female then I’m glad to be one too.
Of course, there are a few dissimilarities between me and the stereotypical beta female. I am quite comfortable with the way i look. I’m certainly not a beauty queen but I’m sufficiently attractive and intelligent. I don’t feel inferior to alpha females. I know who I am and i like myself. Sure, I doubt myself every now and then but I’m only human. Essentially, I think I am a pretty incredible woman and I strive to be a true lady. That is enough for me.
I'm a beta girl too! Who would've 'thunk' it?