Monday, January 13, 2014

Runaway Bug

We had just finished watching an episode of Sherlock and my sister and I were discussing the episode when she had a craving.

I'm going down to get a..." Clearly at a loss, my sister began to gesture wildly; she swung her fist around as she said,
"The..umm.. you know what i mean."

"Keys? I really don't know. What?" I replied, utterly bamboozled.

"See? This is why you don't catch on as quickly while watching Sherlock. " there was a slight pause as she finally grasped the word. "I meant lollipop. You should have known that! I was eating it in front of you just earlier today!"

"Were you? I can't remember.." I said as i wondered how I could forget my sister chewing on a gigantic rainbow colored lollipop. I formed a rather ridiculous image in my head so I was stuck on how I could forget something like that.

We walked downstairs to the kitchen and Sheena opened the fridge,  where she had stored her lollipop. Right on top of it was a teeny tiny cockroach baby.

She made a disgusted face. "Ick. How'd that get in there?" She peeled off the remnants of the lollipop from the fridge tray.

"Oh! Look! It's getting away! EEEEEE!", I exclaimed.
The cockroach had indeed scurried to the bottom of the fridge and was scurrying away on the floor.

"No use eating this anyway.. Here goes!", said Sheena.


She struck the cockroach with the lollipop stick.

And it shattered into countless pieces.

"You should have seen that one coming!, Sherlock!" I said as I burst into uncontrollable giggles.

Tis a pity that the cockroach got away anyway.

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