Friday, February 22, 2013

Miracle Glow

I'm very insecure about my skin and hair. I believe that everyone forms their first impression of you based on these two things and I like to make a good impression. My nightmare curly, thick hair I’ve managed with oil, conditioner and the "no comb" rule but my skin? That has been a long struggle, indeed. 
My skin is oily and I ooze sweat at the slightest hint of heat. As a result I have a terrible acne problem not pimples, mind you. I could deal with those giant blobby, pink boils. Instead, I have to deal with blackheads! They are tiny, come in large numbers and almost impossible to get rid of. It's been a long battle with these open comedones. I have tried and tested all creams and face washes. I've used clindamycin, 'Fash' (a face wash for heavy acne), pro-activ and nomarks. I changed my diet, exercised more, and massaged various potions and lotions to no avail.
Then finally, I turned to my mum. She recommended oil. Oil? Hasn’t that been the problem all along? Oil on my face? Ah well. Nevertheless, I checked it out and I found out that tea tree oil was highly effective. 
Unfortunately, tea tree oil worked better on my dandruff than my acne. 
And just when I had given up all hope, I was introduced to *Glow 7*. It's basically virgin coconut oil and wheat germ extract. Coconut oil usually works terribly on my skin and hair but *virgin* coconut oil makes a huge difference. My skin is lighter, healthier and true to its name, my skin seems to be glowing. The only downside to using this for acne is that there is a monstrous breakout initially, that goes away quick enough. Aside from that, it's a miracle product.

 Glow 7 is a product only available through a select dealer, viz. Hari Angle: +919637910949