Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Bah humbug! I've got exams coming up and its time for me to put a stop to all my distractions (blogging included).

Its going to be tough to keep away from excessive texting, tv time and facebook but I'll have to if I want to succeed in these finals.

Ah Life! Why do you make things so difficult? Its so difficult to achieve anything worth having. Sacrifice and hard work are so important to reach your goals.

Nevermind. It isn't the time to brood over 'why'. Its time to get down to some serious work. I'll need to keep my focus ( as for some reason it keeps getting away from me). Books, here I come!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Giggles and smiles

Today, we had an event in college that was organised by our writing centre. Our writing centre is another name for our student support services. The centre helps us correct our assignments by ourselves and guides us to become better writers.

Well, today they organised an event day and it was incredibly fun! I've always been a big fan of the english language and all the games it inspires so this was an event day for me! My friends and I participated in events like Hangman, Spelling bee, treasure hunt, scrabble and just a minute.

A few of my friends won the hangman event, my team won the spelling bee and we all lost miserably at scrabble and at the treasure hunt.

The day was exciting and full of incredible fun. It made me see that its important to enjoy your days. Yes, it is necessary to work hard and achieve your goals but it's a part of life that we have a little fun now and then. No matter how silly or childish that humour is, it's always a welcome respite.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fallen idols

Have you ever been in a situation where someone you used to hold on a pedestal has proven less than worthy? Recently, I've been in just such a situation.

The problem with this situation is that I do not know how to react. I used to hold this person in high esteem. I used to think that she was strong and independent yet feminine and graceful also. Yet, now I see her for her real self and I honestly do not like what I see.

What stumps me the most is, how come I did not notice her flaws before? How come it took me so long to see what was right infront of me? It's amazing how thick I was.

Even by putting that aside, I still do not know how to react. Do I treat her differently or the same? I've been very cautious around her but is it terrible that I'm not letting her know what I feel? Or is it better to keep things to myself and hence keep the peace?

Oh dear! That's a lot of questions. I hope somebody is able to give me the answers, or maybe I'll find them myself.

As of now, I've learnt that everyone has flaws. Everyone is imperfect. It's what makes us human.

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Friday, January 6, 2012

You don't have to be a size zero to be beautiful

Dear Women everywhere,

Why is it that you are under the impression that beauty is solely based on outward appearances? I know that right now, you're thinking, here's another person telling us that beauty is on the inside. Honestly? It is.

To be a beautiful woman in today's world it is necessary to be just that, a woman. Femininity and beauty go hand in hand. A beautiful woman is a woman with class, confidence, and feminine prowess. When i say feminine prowess i'm talking about skills that all women are blessed to have. Every woman has the ability to be a comfort, a good listener and graceful to boot. A beautiful woman knows what her strengths and her weaknesses are and she knows how to portray her strengths with utmost refinement while working on her weaknesses.

How many women do you love that are beautiful on the outside but rotten on the inside? Our lives are worth living because of the relationships we build. silly imperfections in outward appearances do not matter at all. it is a complete waste of energy to dwell on these imperfections. True beauty is always appreciated. It is about time that you began to notice that you are beautiful. Every woman has beauty within them and that beauty will never go unseen.

With love,
Sasha Desai

Harmony in the three spheres of life

As a student, I know how incredibly impossible it seems to balance work, relationships and relaxation. It's almost as if you're not meant to have all three. If I manage to study and have a social life, I'm sleep deprived. If I'm well rested and up to date with my studies, I find one of my friendships in trouble.

I guess it's one of life's many challenges; To have harmony in these three spheres of life is extremely challenging. It is true that anything worth having doesn't come easily so this challenge is perfectly justified.

Even though it is justified, it's still very difficult to cope up with all of it. The universe may throw terrible obstacles in your path, in one or more of these three spheres of life at a time but i believe the universe carefully calculates your strength before it does so. I don't believe the universe ever gives you anything that you cannot handle. It is this thought that helps me to fight my daily battles and keep harmony in my life. I know that i have the strength to break any barrier and move forward.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Friends and Fears

I was sick today so I was at home, all day. I hate staying home and doing nothing. It drives me crazy. I slept for most of the day and in the evening i was still feeling weak so i couldn't go out, hence, boredom stemmed. My friends were really very supportive today. They checked in on me every couple of hours, updated me on the homework and called me up just in an attempt to make me laugh. I was helplessly giggling by the end of that phone call. 

This made me think about my friends. They are truly very amazing people. They were there for me with something so small. Friends really do make life worth living.

My biggest fear is to be alone. I don't like feeling lonely. I don't even like feeling left out of things. Today, I was ill but I didn't feel lonely at all. My friends were truly concerned for my health. They were constantly keeping me busy. I love them for it. I'm so grateful that my biggest fear is just a nonsensical apprehension. I'm not alone. Honestly, I don't think anyone in the whole world is alone. There is always at least one person to stand by you, even if you don't notice that person.

It's amazing how the universe is incredibly attuned to our feelings. I was feeling lonely and afraid of being alone; my friends kept me entertained and showed me that I wasn't alone. The universe is a great being. Its fascinating how perfect it is.

Monday, January 2, 2012

My theory of the universe

I have this theory that the universe has a web of plans. I like to think that The universe has a unique agenda for each and every person and it is this unique agenda that is interconnected with the lives of other people.

If you really think about it, isn't it strange that somehow, everything in life has a reason? Even if we don't realise the ulterior motives behind some events in our lives, they all happen for a reason, which we eventually uncover at some point.

The events in our lives that have caused sorrow, joy, anger, distress, contentment or laughter, have all happened with a reason behind it. Life is ruthlessly practical, so terribly rational that it's cruel irony is often portrayed by artists of different kinds. These artists belived what I do. They believe, simply, that everything in life happens for a reason.

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A New Day

Today was the first day of the new term in college. As it is a new year, everyone was full of resolutions, cheer and excitement. It was amazing to revel in the perfection of the day.

It seemed like nothing went wrong today. Everyone around me was joyful and it was infectious.

Its days like this that incite feelings of gratitude in me. I am truly grateful to God and the web of plans that this universe has. I'm grateful for my work, play, family, friends, my entire life.  Being grateful isn't enough, though. I need to appreciate what I have on a daily basis. I'm going to strive hard to tackle the day and make the most of it, everyday.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions for the New Year

I've never really thought much of new years resolutions. I've always disregarded them as something people have talked of to portray themselves as 'deep, meaningful people who understand their shortcomings'. More often than not, these people have failed miserably in their resolutions and in portraying themselves as the aforementioned.

In my opinion, a resolution has to be practical. It needs to be a small step towards becoming a better person. Most people resolve to quit smoking, stop gossiping etc. Why isn't it common for people to decide to pay more attention to their friends? Or to spend more time with family? These are some of the things that matter.

Family and friends should always top the list of priorities. Your own well being should comes next. Keeping this in mind, for this new year, I have resolved to do the following:
  1. Pay more attention to my mum and sister. They have always been there for me and its about time I showed some gratitude.
  2. Talk to my friends more often. They will always be willing to stand by me. I need to stop pushing them away and I need to start listening to them more. I need to show them that I will stand by them also.
  3. Write posts on this blog as often as I can. This is one thing that will benefit me. I'll learn to be regular, responsible and hopefully I will be more articulate.
  4. Lastly, I will be more responsible about my studies, finances and play. I wont let these things fall through the cracks as often as I  have let it.
 I hope i can keep these resolutions. I take it that its a good thing that I'm at least trying to move forward in my life. I'm trying to be better than who i was. I hope this new year is full of changes for the better, not just for me but for everyone. Everyone deserves a chance at better prospects, don't you agree?

Career decisions

Recently I have been very confused about what direction my life is taking. Its about time that I chose a career path and worked towards achieving it. I am sure that I would  work very hard to achieve my goals but I need to set some goals first. Everyone around me seems to already know where they would like to be five years from now. I'm not sure. I'm certain I would like to have a worthwhile profession that would require sobriety but would have bits of jocularity also. I'd like to enjoy my work. I've considered a career in medicine or engineering or business. None of these career choices seem right. They have some appealing aspects but none of them are really right for me.

So I sat down and thought about it long and hard. Me vs Me. 'What is the one thing that I truly enjoy?'

'Literature', came my reply.

This made me think about my writing. I've never felt particularly talented but maybe I could learn. Writing, after all, is a skill. Maybe if I sharpened my writing skills I could persue a career in it. It would be nice to be a journalist...

Ah well! I guess I'll think about journalism for a while. Maybe it will work out to be my amazing career.

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My Platinum Bubble

Platinum bubble is just my way of generalizing my thoughts. My thoughts, my ruminations take place in my mind, the bubble. They're platinum thoughts as they are uniquely mine, precious and beautiful much like the metal, platinum.

I've deccided to write this blog on a whim. I hope I do keep to it. Writing has always been my special way of working things out. Whenever I feel confused, writing about it helps me clear my head. It gets my thoughts in order.

'My platinum bubble' is a place where i will write down all my confusions. I will share my greatest fears, needs, joys and decisions.